Friday 20 September 2024

Groovy Kinder Love

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Groovy Kinder Love Entry

Groovy & Baby Kinder Love

I have added the option of running a shorter version of the Groovy Kinder Love with a totally uninspired name "Groovy Baby Love".  Both races start together and follow the main race route to the Broad Clough CP (the baby bypasses the down-and-up to the Jacob's Ladder CP) and splits at the Broad Clough ford. The "baby" crosses the ford and goes over the stile while the main race turns right to follow Broad Clough for 30(ish) metres before crossing and going through a gate to climb back up to the three knolls path. The baby continues around to briefly meet the main route again at Benny's bridge/bottom of Sandy Heys CP, where the baby turns left to climb up to the Shooting Cabin CP while the main race climbs up William Clough. Both routes then meet again for the final descent from the Shooting Cabin CP to the finish. There are instructions in the attached "Baby" PDF and some images at the bottom of this page.

2024 was the first year running the two options, it worked OK(ish). The idea of the "baby" was that it was meant to be an easier alternative to the main race, but in retrospect there was not enough of a difference between the two options. The "baby" is still a hard race and anybody who could do it would also be capable of doing the longer one, so in effect they were in competition with each other.

There are going to be changes for 2025, I will remove the South Head CP for both races to remove confusion with trying to get some people to bypass it while sending the Groovy over the top. The main change will be removing the Jacob’s Ladder CP for the baby. That removes 2Km/170m climb.

This is the stats for each race will then be:

Groovy 24.5 Km 1290m
Baby  16 km 675m

I will just have a single entry for both races (so you just enter the Groovy Kinder Love). You can decide at race number allocation which route you want to run. My race limit of 200 then covers both races so I will not have 400 running. 

Google Drive link to a PDF and PNG of the full race map.

These maps show the old Broad Clough and Sandy Heys Bottom checkpoint locations. If printing them off make sure you mark in the new locations as detailed below.

The Broad Clough CP has been moved back down to the Broad Clough Ford as that is where the races split and the marshal can ensure runners go the correct way.

The "Bottom of Sandy Heys CP  will be by Benny's Bridge as the baby will be coming around the side of the hill to briefly meet at that CP before spliting again. 

Groovy Kinder Love race map image file

Groovy Kinder Love race map PDF file
Groovy Baby Love PDF file

GPX should be available here. PlotaRoute GPX

Sat 14th Sep 2024 – Groovy Kinder Love (R) (24.5 Km, 1280 m)

It will be the "2020" route as outline below

Click here for the 2021 Winners Strava Plot

This will make for an ideal first AL for anybody wanting to give this category a go as it is right down near the minimum acquirements for this category.
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
This area is a SSSI, which does limit where the race can go. Hence there are a lot of checkpoints, to stop people going "off-piste", which would endanger getting permissions for future events. The CPs are not set in stone but the route will be more of less what is shown below.
 This is the route details that have been agreed with the NT and have been submitted to Natural England

Check Point changes from the first year

There are a couple of minor checkpoint changes  (CP 7 Broad Clough and CP 9 Sandy Heys Bottom), to facilitate mobile phone coverage. The more significant one is CP7 but the consensus from 2021 seemed to be the longer route following the footpath was actually faster and in that case you will naturally be going past the new checkpoint location. CP 9 will make no difference unless you want to straight line it from there to William Clough, not sure there would be much point in that though.
Groovy Kinder Love Start Valley Road, Finish Scout Hut

Start to CP 1 (Christine's Gate)



Broad Clough has been moved 300 metres further south to footpath junction on higher ground to facilitate mobile phone coverage. This is no longer a cut-off point.
Jacob's Ladder to Edale Rocks & Broad Clough

Broad Clough to Kinder Downfall

CP10 (Sandy Heys) has been moved slightly uphill to facilitate mobile phone coverage.
There is a 03:30 hour cut off at this point.
Kinder Downfall to William Clough Climb

William Clough, Mill Hill, Leygatehead Moor

Shooting Cabin, Snake Path

Snake Path to Groovy Kinder Love finish by Scout Hut
Groovy Kinder Love - SSSI Notification

Groovy Baby Love ONLY
Instructions for getting from river Kinder to Sandy Heys

Cross the River Kinder bridge and follow the path to the left.
Climb to the wall corner an then follow the fence line towards the reservoir.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Groovy Kinder Love Entry and runners’ information

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Groovy & Baby Kinder Love

I have added the option of running a shorter version of the Groovy Kinder Love with a totally uninspired name "Groovy Baby Love". Its details are below. As a BM it is still a challanging route. Both races start together and follow the main race route to the Broad Clough CP and splits at the Broad Clough ford. The "baby" crosses the ford and goes over the stile while the main race turns right to follow the Broad Clough for 30(ish) metres before crossing and going through a gate to climb back up to the three knolls path. The baby continues around to briefly meet the main route again at Benny's bridge/bottom of Sandy Heys CP, where the baby turns left to climb up to the Shooting Cabin CP while the main race climbs up William Clough. Both routes then meet again for the final descent from the Shooting Cabin CP to the finish.

I will just have a single entry for both races (so you just enter the Groovy Kinder Love). You can decide at race number allocation which route you want to run. My race limit of 200 then covers both races so I will not have 400 running. 

The Groovy race numbers will start at 1, while the baby will start at 150.

RACE DETAILS - Groovy Kinder Love

  • Date & time: Sat 14 Sep 2024 at 11:00
  • Start time info: Valley Road Electrical Substation
  • Country: England
  • Region: Peak District
  • Category: AL
  • Website:
  • Distance: 24.5 km / 15.2 miles
  • Climb: 1290 m / 4232 ft
  • Venue: Scout Hut, Swallow House Lane, Hayfield., SK22 2HB
  • Grid reference: 034871
  • Skills: ER, LK, NS
  • Minimum age: 18

RACE DETAILS - Groovy Baby Love

  • Date & time: Sat 14 Sep 2024 at 11:00
  • Start time info: Valley Road Electrical Substation
  • Country: England
  • Region: Peak District
  • Category: BM
  • Website:
  • Distance: 18 km / 11 miles
  • Climb: 920 m / 3020 ft
  • Venue: Scout Hut, Swallow House Lane, Hayfield., SK22 2HB
  • Grid reference: 034871
  • Skills: ER, LK, NS
  • Minimum age: 18


  • Entry on day: Yes
  • Entry on day fee: £12.00
  • Pre-entry: Yes
  • Pre-entry fee: £10.00


  • Patrick Barry
  • 07770149757
  • Race Organiser: Patrick Barry

Groovy Kinder Love 2023


Groovy Kinder Love runners’ information

Back for the fourth (and my third year)  running of the event. Thank you to you for entering the event. We hope you have a good ‘un.
Please read the below info thoroughly...

Age limit:

Saturday 16 Sept at 11.00 am
Male 2021 02:14:40
Female 2021 02:51:03

Kit Check 

There will be 100% Kit Check.

You will have to sign the FRA Consent on the Senior Entry Form (Fabian entry covers this requirment). Pens and forms will be available on the tables in the Scout Hut.  All personal data will be destroyed once the race is over.
If anybody is stuck, I have a handful of whistles and compasses that I can sell at cost price (£1 and £4). I have also printed off 12 race maps that are in an A4 plastic sleeve. If anybody wants to buy a map on race day for £1 just let me know, I can easily print off some more based on demand.

There will be a table inside the Scout Hut where we will take the consent form and give you your number. Safety pins are in the scout hut.

Race entry details are above the limit is 200 runners.

Entries are currently open.


·         Registration CLOSES at 10.20 am.

·         Registration is at Hayfield Scout Hut on Swallow House Lane

·         (GR035873), approximately 10 min walk from the start.

·         Please park with due consideration to residents. Competitors should try to lift – share and use the main village car park adjacent to The Sett Valley Trail. Limited parking will be available on hard surface adjacent to the Scout Hut, please don’t park on the grass. Please don’t leave your cars there after the race as we need to lock the gates.

·         As always cars are parked at owners’ risk and no liability can be accepted for theft or damage.

·         Please allow plenty of time for registration.


See the route descriptions at: Race Details and take note of the three hour-thirty cut-off at the bottom of Sandy Heys (take note this is a change from the previous cut-off at Broad Clough). I would expect the back markers to be no more than 75 minutes to complete the route from here meaning that everybody will be home in Four hours-Forty-Five minutes. I am happy for anybody timed out at Sandy Heys to continue straight up to the Shoot Cabin to rejoin the race route for the final descent, which means they will only miss the William Clough climb.

General Comments:

·         Start Finish – please find the details here: The last section is through the village centre, so be careful crossing the main street.

·         Much of Kinder is part of one of the 54 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in the Peak District National Park, which has considerable effect on events that can be held in these areas. Keeping the event on Public Rights of Way(PRoW) within an SSSI’s, considerably eases the process of gaining permission from Natural England (NE).  For this reason this event does have limited route choice with the main “off-piste” section being the difficult section from Edale Rocks, through The Three Knolls to the ford on Broad Cough and then back up to Cluther Rocks. The descent here is particularly difficult without any “trods” though the thick heather and rocks. It may be best to try to follow one of the stream beds down as shown on the map.

·         Jacobs Ladder, is a very busy walkers route so as a safety measure runners will be directed through the gate to follow the mountain bike track to the bottom of Jacobs Ladder.

·         The Checkpoint at the top of Jacobs Ladder path is only active for runners descending.

·         The Edale Rocks checkpoint is on the South Side beneath the over-hang

·         All field boundaries, on this path must be crossed using stiles. Please do not climb gates or jump walls (the local landowners do look out for this). I have agreed that if people are not using stiles, or damage stiles; this will result in disqualification. Our permission to continue to run the event depends on the goodwill of local landowners.

·         This is a Category AL race. The route does traverse high mountain terrain and weather conditions at this time of year may be hostile. Weather is often unpredictable. Competitors should have experience of this type of event and it is not suitable for novices. The route is a combination of marked and unmarked paths. Navigational skills are required, especially in mist, and prior knowledge an advantage - it’s all open to recceing in advance. The kit list is mandatory and if you don’t have the correct kit (including map and compass) please don’t try to take part.

·         If conditions are difficult on the day and/or you don’t feel comfortable or confident in being able to be safe – don’t take part. If it’s called off we will review whether we will carry entries over to next year. We won’t run a bad weather alternative route.

·         Remember to be respectful of other people out on the hill and to look after one another. There will be other people out on Kinder so say hello if you can manage it.


Competitors MUST carry at least all of the following equipment regardless of the weather on the day:

a)            Waterproof whole-body cover with taped seams, hat and gloves

b)            Compass and map suitable for navigating the course

c)            Whistle

d)            Emergency food

The route will also be on show on the wall of the scout hut at registration if people want to mark their own maps up.

This is a fell race and the course is not flagged for the majority of the race. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN NAVIGATION AROUND THE COURSE. You need to provide your own map (and compass) and be able to navigate by it on your own even in bad visibility or bad weather.

Monitoring of competitors

At registration, you will be allocated a number which will be recorded out on the course, so please ensure it is clearly visible on your chest.


If you retire at any point, after collecting your number and wristband, you must inform the race organizer and hand in your number at THE FINISH FUNNEL – YOURSELF, IN PERSON. This still applies even if you’ve told someone out on the hill or a marshal out on the course.

If this is not done the mountain rescue (MRT) may have to initiate a missing person search. Do not drop out and tell someone else, thinking they will inform race control or take your number back for you. This has happened before and MRT were out looking for someone who was in their friends’ car on the way home!


Race numbers must be clearly displayed at the ford at the bottom of Broad Clough. There is a two hour cut off at Broad Clough. Anybody arriving after that time will be required to head directly back to the finish.

Be respectful to the Marshals and Mountain Rescue Teams who are volunteering to support

your safety on the hill.


In the previous three years I gave prizes for MU23, MSEN 1, MSEN 2, M40 ,M50, M60 & M70 plus the same for the women, so fourteen in total. I was never really happy with this as with the small fields in the race (often there may only be one person in a category) some runners were guaranteed a prize just by turning up while the third place male may get nothing. This was especially true on the women's side with so few women entering with the result that nearly every woman that has run over the previous years has won a prize. 

I mentioned this to Pennine Committee members and was told that some races do allocate gender prizes in relation to the proportion of entries for each gender so I may have to think about that.

I have the added complication with two two races and until the races start I will have no idea how many are in each. I think this year I will just give prizes to the first “x” males and females in each race so that the total will be approx fourteen again. What “x” is I don’t know and it will be different for men and women and in each race.

I will still publish the category results as before.

Prize giving will probably be around 1430 in the Scout hut.

...and lastly, have a good run!

Patrick Barry - Pennine Fell Runners.
