Thursday, 4 October 2012

Running Style

I became aware of running styles when I read the book "Born to Run"  (   The important aspect of running style is running cadence ( and which part of your foot strikes the ground first. I think I have probably succeeded in getting my cadence up as often when out with Pennine I compare how often I take a step compare to those around me and I tend to be faster. Basically the rule is more steps per minute but they are shorter so the speed is the same.

The other rule is landing on the front of the foot instead of the heel. I though that  with my higher cadence I would not be too bad on that front. However the two photos from the Stockport 10 and Run the Line would seem to contradict that.
Near the end of the Stockport 10

Near the end of Run the Line
Two beautiful heel strikes!
The thick padding on modern shoes encourage heel strikes. I found a pair of these going cheap so "why not" lets have a try with minimalist shoes.
 Inov8 Bare-X 180 Running Shoes
With the flat soles and very low heels in these a heel strike is going to hurt so lets see if I can change my style.
Low heel

I will update this post as things develop.

Please post if you  have some comments/advice, 

I have had a couple of 20 Km road runs in the new shoes now and fairly happy with how it has gone. I am getting the front foot strike OK and the very thin soles on the shoes are no problem. Only problem is a slightly sore and stiff left ankle that is not allowing me to get as clean a front foot strike as I would like. This has been a problem I have had for a long time.


  1. Got sore calf muscles this morning after a 5 mile sprint last night. It really gets at calf muscles when trying to keep the front foot down.

  2. I had a lesson with this bloke, it was very good.

  3. Well I done the Stockport 10 2013 in them and they were great. Calf muscels sore now but that will pass.
